Monday, July 30, 2007

La Ultima Cena

1498, I can barely remember the day. Its early afternoon. I had been binge drinking. It’s become a way of life. There was not much else that interested me. There was all the fuss, all of which was not very clear to me at the time. I do remember clearly the offer of a few silver coins. "That should tie me over for a few days" I thought, "most importantly, the alley ways would no longer be my shelter and the sidewalks no longer my pillow at night".

Little had I known that he, Leonardo, would become the greatest artist of his time. He ordered his assistants to help me out of the gutter. "This wretched creature would be perfect; his face would represent the most treacherous man ever" he told his helpers. Back at his studio, I was ordered to take a bath and given a change of clothing. The bath sobered me a bit. What is this? I asked. The artist responded saying "La Ultima Cena (The Last Supper)". "You should feel honoured", he continued, "The entire religious faith is based on this scene". "You will represent the most treacherous man in history". "Even his name, Judas, meaning "Praised One" bears testimony to the man he was meant be".

Later that evening the artist completed his work. My senses were intact. I became more aware of my surroundings. I recognized the giant easel, I had seen it before. "I was here before master; you summoned me three years ago". The artist came closer and gasped in amazement, "You were my model for Jesus three years ago, and you were a member of the cathedral’s choir. But your face, the innocence, from it I was able to capture salvation itself".

"How is it possible?". "How could that which epitomises goodness itself, digress to represent evil?".

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